A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Horror game that you should find keys and escape from mommy

This game is like prototype

Little bugs in opening doors



E - interect

F - flashlight on/off

WASD - movement

Shift - run


mommy.zip 33 MB
mommy(mac).app.zip 42 MB

Development log


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This is omogonix s game lol

but good job

(1 edit)

A pretty decent short horror game. Playtime ~5 minutes.

My playthrough:


My thoughts on the game:

  • The doors are a little bit wonky.
  • The music is actually fairly creepy and vibey, great job!
  • No extremely loud jumpscares so I'm thankful for that.
  • For a game made for learning or prototype this is pretty good!
  • The light is a bit too extreme and sudden.

Overall, a pretty decent game. Great job!

Thank you for playing and share your thoughts

많이 놀랐고 재밌었다



I was surprised at her everytime I play, even if I know where she comes out of! Haha! It was fun!Thank you and I am looking  for your next gameXD I wish I can get a happy ending pic or short ending video in the end\(^o^)/
(1 edit)

Thank you for playing :D

Good job on your first game friend :)

Thank you :>

You need to upload the whole build folder, not just the exe, otherwise it cannot be played.

Thank you